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The Teenpower Violence Prevention Toolkit

What is the Teenpower Violence Prevention Toolkit?

This programme was developed with the help of teachers and 70 students after a survey of over 200 people highlighted the need for a low-cost, user friendly, interactive, realistic and engaging resource that addresses personal safety risks for young people like peer pressure, bystander syndrome etc.
Evidence shows that it builds skills for real life by:

  • providing opportunities for students to practise experiential, evidence and success-based violence prevention strategies and skills (using informative role plays and skill practices).
  • ensuring that these skills are directly relevant and appropriate for young people’s experiences and communities (using real life stories).
  • building courage, team spirit, and ownership (using creative projects).
  • providing a valuable, ready-to-use resource for teachers to fulfill NZ Curriculum requirements and to turn behavioural and interpersonal challenges into learning opportunities.

As a result, New Zealand teenagers have more skills
to cope with many interpersonal challenges in daily life
and enjoy safe intimate relationships. They:

  • recognise warning signs
  • set appropriate boundaries
  • de-escalate confrontational situations
  • help others as active bystanders
  • know where and how to access help
  • persist to get the help they need

Links With the New Zealand Curriculum Framework

The project fits well within the New Zealand Curriculum Framework, particularly in the Health and Physical Wellbeing and the Arts areas. It will also help students to develop all five of the Key Competencies, Thinking, Using language, Managing self, Relating to others and Participating and contributing.

Diagram showing Knowledge and Skill Practices + Student Creations + Real Life Incidents

Overview of Activities

SHORT Programme Version (approximately 1 hour total)

  • Use interactive Teenpower Skill Card for 5-10 minutes at a time over 2-6 weeks in teaching periods, picking and choosing the cards that are most relevant at the time and doing one or two practices.

FULL Programme Version (approximately 4-6 hours total)

  • Activity 1 Understand how we learn about sexuality and gender (1-2 hours)
  • Activity 2 Do interactive Teenpower Skill Card practices (5-10 minutes at a time, spread out over 2-4 weeks)
  • Activity 3 Apply the Skills to Change Real Life Stories (1 hour)

The Teenpower Violence Prevention Toolkit manual with some pages showing

Proven Results!

"students indicated that they were more likely walk away from potentially dangerous situations"

The independent evaluation of this new programme by SAMS (Standards and Monitoring Services) provides evidence that the this teaching tool is effective in producing positive outcomes for young people. Some of the main findings were that all teachers:

  • saw value in the Teenpower Project
  • wanted to retain all or part of the content for their classrooms
  • were impressed with the ‘skill cards’ used to assist with each topic area
  • believed the students benefited from the Project
  • believed that the students are now better able to keep themselves safe
  • compared with the control groups, more college students indicated following the Teenpower Project that they would walk away from situations that seem potentially dangerous
  • practice breathing and calming techniques to stay calm in potentially dangerous situations
  • not take insults personally
  • seek help if they come across a situation where people are fighting or hurting each other

(SAMS Evaluation Report January 2012)

Some Teenpower Violence Prevention Toolkit example cards/posters: Be and Act Aware, Think First, Persist